PDF to PowerPoint

Free online PDF to PPT, PPTX converter.

How to use

+ Upload a PDF document in the toolbox by either dragging and dropping it or by clicking the "Add file" button.
+ Wait for the extraction to finish and downloading the PPTX file when it’s created.

Best quality

+ Transform PDF files to PPTX slides.
+ Use our online service to convert PDF to PowerPoint in a heartbeat.
+ The output PowerPoint presentation will retain its original formatting, for you to revise and edit.

Privacy guaranteed

+ We keep your files safe!
+ All the files processed by PDF to PowerPoint converter are securely stored on our servers and then deleted automatically.


var features = [
'Flexible and fully customizable',
'Responsive — has desktop, tablet and mobile design',
'Add, remove and view calendar events',
'Events and methods that lets you think outside the box :)',
'Does "modern-looking" counts? Then I'm in!'
]; // and more features to come...